Worst College Degrees That Can Harm Your Career

7. Liberal Arts:

The wide range of transferable skills from writing and researching to solving and analyzing problems, and the specialized skills that an individual has gained through his / her liberal arts major is of little use, as the employment opportunities for a graduate in this field are few and far between. Even experienced liberal arts grads have to contend with high unemployment rate and low salaries. In fact, nearly one in ten new grads end up unemployed and three of every four end up pursuing higher education or land in a low paying sales or office work.

8. English:

English grads haven’t fared well in this tough economy. Nearly one in ten English grads struggle to land a job. To make the matter worse the starting salary is very low, way below the median salary for top majors. And the situation doesn’t improve much with experience, as even experienced English grads tend to make lesser than the median for bachelor’s degree holders.  

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