Worst College Degrees That Can Harm Your Career

2. Fine Arts:

Fine arts basically means a visual art considered to have been created primarily for artistic purposes and judged for its meaningfulness and beauty. Individuals working in this field express their creative thoughts in the form of painting, drawing, sculpture, graphics and architecture.

To an outsider, the world of art can appear as an enchanting and mesmerizing field, which provides quick escape from the stressful life behind the desk in a 9-to-6 job. Contrary to the popular perception, the world of art is a difficult and stressful field. Remember it is a business too, and an aspiring individual should be willing to walk the extra mile and pay the proverbial dues to achieve success. It is not a field for individuals with familial obligations that prevent them taking the kind of risks required to gain their footing in the competitive world of arts.  

Presently, the job opportunities for new fine arts grads are anything but dismal. The abundance of fine arts grads and the inherent slow job growth rate has made this career reach the top of the pile with regards to highest unemployment rate. Unfortunately, when fine arts graduates do find jobs, they are generally not paid well. More drastically, even experienced artists are expected to make less than college dropouts.

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