World's Most Stressful Locations

#7 Pakistan

Total Score: 52.7, Annual homicide rate per 100,000: 7.8, GDP per capita: 1,309

Income inequality (Gini coefficient): 30.0, Corruption: 27, Unemployment rate: 9.2  percent    

Urban air pollution, micrograms per cubic meter: 197.7, Life expectancy: 67

The country is famiously known for its largest Islamic educated country.  And lately it has been stated by the Lonely Planet magazine as being the tourism industry's "next big thing". Pakistan, with its diverse cultures, people and landscapes attracted 1 million tourists in 2012.

Pakistan is facing 'serious economic challenges' and it immediately needs to carry out some comprehensive economic reforms because Overall vulnerabilities and risk of crisis are high, with subpar growth, unsustainable fiscal and balance of payments positions are detoreating.

And Recently the International Monetary Fund also approved financial assistance of $6.7 billion to prevent it from a brink of economic collapse.
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