Work Factors That Are on the Wish List of Every Working Women

5. Health and Wellness Programs:

Women can suffer from severe physical, emotional or mental trauma due to variety of reasons such as work related stress, pressure and sickness. Hence it is very essential for industries to incorporate a constructive health and wellness programs to revive body, mind and soul of working women.

According to Mckinsey study, 55 percent women call for a positive and constructive wellness programs for the creation of a pleasing work environment.

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6. Women’s Lounge / Reception:

Recreation facilities at lounge or reception help working women to enjoy the spare time after work. It also acts as a stress reliever and indirectly helps to increase the productivity and performance of working women.

According to the study of Mckinsey, 23 percent women believe that women’s lounge or reception in an organization has a positive impact on working environment.

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7. Women’s Forum:

Women’s forum helps working women to take advantage of their rights, in terms of health care, access to credit, organized social platform and other basic services. Hence it is essential for industries to create women’s forum for the welfare of the women.

According to Mckinsey’s study, 18 percent of women feel that women’s forum are helpful in the creation of satisfactory work environment.