What Gen Y Workforce can Learn from Older Employees?

3. Be good at multi tasking:

There is a big gap between multitasking and the multi-thinking. Concentrate on any one single activity at a time rather than scratching your head for different commitments at a time which forces you to multi thinking. Multi thinking takes a lot of time as you need to think about different tasks which you need to complete at a particular time. It is true that it is difficult for the Gen Y workforce to put down their phones and laptops to focus on one single activity, but it is very much needed to show your managers that you have full concentration at a particular work until you complete it.

4. Wake up earlier:

When you were in college you would have your own schedule in a routine basis. But after you enter this hard core world of professional life you need to change the entire thing as your past habits are not going to work anymore in this life. You need to be highly functioning if you want to achieve higher positions. Here your attendance is not much needed as the performance is what graded positively here.