What Employers Wish You'd Learned in College?

What Employers Wish You'd Learned in College?

Soft Skills Impact the Output:

The lack of soft skills may not affect for a few students but for majority. Around 60 percent of the respondents have mentioned that even the half of the new graduates do not have those interpersonal skills which they need to succeed in career. Every job demands interpersonal business communication skills inside and outside their organization as the business connects with too many other departments and industries. Amanda Pollack, Md., HR Director of George, Miles & Buhr engineering firm said that, "A big part of what we do as engineers is write reports and specifications for our plans, and we find that writing isn't something that is really taught to engineers." "There is a challenge when people go out and give presentations. Public speaking isn't talked about or highlighted at school," she added.

Lacking the soft skills can make an impact on the whole business system as the employees fall in ‘off mood’ with less productivity. This negative impact can directly influence the specific targets and they will not be able to come up with innovative solutions. Moreover, it negatively impacts the workplace.

The team-work and collaboration are noted as the top major traits. And today’s employers demand for such qualities in the candidates. Most of the jobs cannot be done by one person as it demands association of different departments and different skills, so employees asked to keep in touch with respective departments.

Program Manager of Bradley-Morris, Brian Tabinga said, “Critical thinking means being able to look at a problem from multiple angles. A lot of times you are trained to go from A to B in a straight line, and that's not always what's needed. Critical thinking means taking a step back to look at multiple solutions.” Adding he told that, with a smaller staff and folks having to do more, we've had companies where the boss just doesn't have the time to train this person, because they are busy filling in for someone else who isn't there anymore. As the economic slowdown often hits globally, employers need to cut down the number of staffs where they mostly prefer the multi-tasking employees on table.