What do You Choose? Engineering or Empathy
Bangalore: It is a very common feeling in every individual’s mind that if we become graduates in Science and Math we have a brighter future when it comes to our professional life. So, at the present day situation the competition has grown up for getting admitted to the science and math courses and if you have already completed your graduation in some other field, you must have also felt bad about not getting a chance of earning six figure salaries every month. But do you really think that getting into the courses like science, math, tech, engineering etc, worth for your long term career success?
Daniel Jelski, Professor of Chemistry at SUNNY New Paltz, has argued that studying these subjects may not be that worthy when you look at the new trends in the future of work. Daniel argued in this manner by looking at the changing career scenario for the next decade. He lists the three laws of future employment, as reported by Jessica Stillman in Gigaom Website:
1. People in the future get jobs by doing things which computers can’t do.
2. The global market place will result in lower pay and fewer opportunities for many careers in the future.
3. In the future most of the professional people will be more likely to be freelancers and they will be less likely to have a secured job.