What do Professionals Prefer, Job Security or Job Opportunity?

During the time of recession, contract jobs will be in the favor of employees because, if they are hired under the contract basis they cannot be forced to quit the job or fired. They are suppose to work until their contract period is over. The company has to keep him as an employee until they are done with their assigned work.

Employees who are more satisfied in their job are those who work under the non-profit making associations and foundations. The reason for may be, this category of employees are pretty good in handling their work life successfully other than other sector workers. Government employees come at the second position when it comes to job satisfaction and job security because most of the employees who work in the government sector organization have less worries of loosing a job. In India almost all the employees have stick to their work till they retire in the government sector companies. This is the only sector which provides 100 percent job guarantee during all economic crises.