Top People Who Became Rich and Famous After Getting Fired

5. Michael Bloomberg:

Born in the year 1942 as Michael Rubens Bloomberg, is famously known as Michael Bloomberg. When Bloomberg was a partner at an investment bank named Salomon Brothers, it was bought out later in the year 1998 by the company which is now known as Citigroup now. After the company bought the Salomon Brothers, Bloomberg was let go from his position, but only after he received a hefty severance check. Later with that money, he started his own financial services company.

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Apart from being a Business man, he also serves as the Mayor of the city of New York. He is also been credited as the 10th richest person in the United States and 17th in the world with a net worth of around $25 billion in 2012. He is the founder and 88 percent owner of the Bloomberg L.P, a financial data service firm. Apart from serving as a businessman and a politician, he is also a philanthropist.

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