Top People Who Became Rich and Famous After Getting Fired

4. Oprah Winfrey:

Oprah Winfrey born in the year 1954, served as a evening news reporter in the Baltimore’s WJZ-TV. But what made her get fired from being a evening news reporter is her emotions. Yes, whenever she was reporting the stories, she used to get emotionally attached with those stories which irritated her producers. The level of irritation made the producers to take her out of that position. To compensate with that, they later offered a daytime TV show to her, which made her go heartbroken because at that time, the day shows were not becoming much hit, as the day shows were finding it difficult to become popular.

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But for her luck, the program “People are Talking”, that she conducted became a huge hit. The success of this show helped her to realize that she can become a great talk show host in the future. Her popular show, “The Oprah Winfrey Show” that aired from 1986 till 2011, was a huge hit all over the world. Now she is one among the richest billionaires in the world.

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