Top Nations For Work-Life Balance
Employees working very long hours: 9 percent
Employment rate of women with children: 65 percent
Time devoted to leisure and personal care: 15.27 hours
Portugal has made significant progress over the last few years in modernizing its economy and improving the living standards of its citizens, however the global financial crisis has surely weakened its growth.
And in reality the Portuguese problem is not that families have no children, but families do not have more than one child. Childlessness is low in Portugal, less than one in ten women aged 49+ have no children, and around half of all Portuguese families are one child families.
People in Portugal work 1711 hours a year, slightly less than the OECD average of 1776 hours. And around 9 percent of employees work very long hours, in line with the OECD average, with 12 percent of men working very long hours compared with just 5 percent for women.
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