Top Careers with Highest Number of Layoffs

3. Manufacturing sector:

According to experts, though there is expected for a few hundred recruitment possibilities in this field it is not that great. In India, the manufacturing sector saw the weakest growth in the month of July this year since November 2011. This was because of the moderation in the domestic and export orders in the midst of drooping global economy, reported the PTI as it was quoted on an HSBC survey.

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4. Retail Trade:

Though there has been a massive rise in consumer spending all over the world, it seems like it has not made any positive impact on retail workers. It is because there is seen a large number of professionals who have lost their jobs because many retail firms announced the news of shutting down their stores across the world. Apart from that, many other retail stores even they didn’t shut down, they reduced the number of hiring activities to their firms.

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