Top 6 Things Recruiters Will Never Tell You

4. Poor Handshake:

Appearing very weak while greeting [shaking hands] the recruiters at the time of interview, it can be the biggest mistake you can ever make at the time of the interview because greeting well shows your interest towards the job you have applied. Whenever you shake hands with someone you need to make sure your hands are not sweaty and not forceful because these two things will make the recruiter feel annoying. So, if you shake the hand in a very weak manner with the recruiter signifies that you are not interested in the job you have applied. Shaking hands with the recruiters or recruiter before taking your seat shows your disciplined behavior. So, it is good if you shake your hands just ones firmly than shaking four times as it doesn’t look formal. It might be surprising to you to know that recruiters will be observing these minute things, but these minute things will lay an impact one a recruiter to decide whether to select you or not.