Top 6 Things Recruiters Will Never Tell You

3. No Proper Eye Contact:

This is the biggest mistake a fresher to the professional life do while interviewing. It is okay because, definitely anyone who is giving their first job interview will feel shy as they will be having no clue on how interviews take place. But, if an experienced employee makes the same mistake just like a fresh candidate, then it can be considered as the biggest mistake for sure. Having a perfect eye contact with the recruiter while interacting with them is a must because it shows your confidence level and you can have a better opportunity to impress them in that way. So, if you keep on looking down or somewhere instead of having a good eye contact with the recruiter, definitely they just observe and think that you are not bold enough to get selected to the job offered. So, every time, it’s better to have a direct eye contact with the recruiter and if there are many recruiters who are questioning you at the interview session, it is very good to shift your eyes on each of the recruiters while answering their questions.