Top 6 Reasons Why Employees Resign

5.  Frequent change in the management:

Yes, if there is no any stable management system in a company, definitely the employees will find it difficult to adjust with a new management every time, as it takes a lot of time to get adjusted with a new management after serving under a management for a long time. So, if there is a frequent change in the management system of the company, definitely the company will end up in losing valuable workers. This is because, if there is a frequent change in the management, it takes a lot of time for them to get know about their staff serving under them and at times they fail to realize the importance of particular employees. Constant change in the management also affects for a smooth transition and it will be very difficult to keep the morale up. So, if the employees find it difficult to adjust with a new management every now and then definitely they quit the job. 

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