Top 5 Things You Must Never Do When Starting a New Career

3. Don’t skip the orientation programs:

Many companies hope that their new employees go through the orientation program or any sought of training process before they start with the position they are hired for. But unfortunately many new recruits find this session as a boring one, as they think it is another lecture class they had attended in their school days or the college days. If you are one among those kinds of employees, then consider this an advice to not quit those classes as it might be helpful in a big way anytime in the future.

Orientation classes will help you to know about the company’s structure and the rules and regulations that you need to follow and also regarding your own job, you can get many relevant information regarding that. If you think that the training managers won’t be directly connected to your everyday during the professional work, they might be watching your work everyday. So, don’t give any option to your training manager to report about your behavior to your boss or your team lead.