Top 5 Questions You Should Never Ask in the Job Interview

1. “I have nothing to ask”:

More than any other thing, this sentence might drop you into a troubled situation because; every employer would be expecting you to talk something from your side during the interview than just answering their questions. So, in this situation, if you tell that “I have nothing to ask”, the recruiter might feel that you are unfit for that job especially if you are recruiting for a PR or any media related posts. If you are been interviewed for any such posts, it is very important that you need to open up your mouth and talk to people to get the relevant information. If during this situation, if you fail to open up your mouth and ask questions or clarify if you have any doubts, the recruiters will never ever select you at any cost, because, they will think, “If you can’t ask them any question, what question are you going to ask to the people, if you are selected for that post?” So, as everyone will be having some sought of doubts every time related to a new job, you need to open up your mouth and clarify them instead of just shutting your mouth or asking some silly questions, just for the sake to ask something.

So, these things mentioned above might be helpful to you in your next job interview session in the future if you take a note of it carefully.

More: Dangerous Things Not to Do Or Say During Job Interview