Top 5 Questions You Should Never Ask in the Job Interview

3.  “Do you check any references? Or Can I refer someone to get this job?”

It is true that most of the present recruiters would check references. But that doesn’t mean that you can ask about that before they take that [references] into consideration. Asking about that knowingly or unknowingly can create further problems and many times your chance of getting that job might fade off because of this one silly mistake. Asking the recruiters, “Do you check references?” might also implies that you are hiding something from them. So, think this as the advice and be careful as well as try to avoid this particular question in any circumstances. It is also advisable for you to depend on your own talent and skill while approaching any career opportunities because references is not the thing that can last long for as it is only your own talent that can take you towards many heights related to your career path.

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