Top 4 Ways to Avoid Employees from Losing Motivation

3. Make sure the project is divided equally:

If you want to be seen as a good manager in the eyes of your employees, then the first thing you need to do is to divide the work equally among all the employees working under you. If this is not done before losing their motivation level, they would have started cursing you for the partiality you have done with them with the rest of the team members. Before beginning any project the first thing the manager must see to it that there will be an alternative person working along with the main person handling the project. This method helps them to work more productively than focusing on just one thing t a time.

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4. Give rewards whenever needed:

Rewarding a person for his or her hard work, is the best way to keep an employee motivated ever time. So, as a good manager, it is your duty to give reward each day for the work they have completed in a day in the assign project than waiting until they complete the entire project.

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5. Do give hard deadlines:

For keeping an employee motivated every time giving a hard deadline is a must because, if they are not given any deadline, for sure they will be in the mindset of “Let us take our own time” to complete the work. So, these deadlines will never reduce their motivation and energy level in the middle of working on the project assigned.