Top 25 High Rated CEOs That Are Hiring Now

12.  Paul S. Otellini:

CEO of Intel

Paul S. Otellini, one of the American business men is serving the role of current president and CEO of the company Intel apart from his role on the board of Google directors. He spent almost whole his career with Intel in several roles. His impact in the Apple-Intel transition is well said in technology world. He is rated among top CEOs with an 86 percent of ranking.World’s largest and highest valued semi-conductor chip maker corporation, Intel, has recently posted 617 job vacancies in the Forbes website.

Listed Job Openings:617

11.  Paul Maritz:

CEO of VMWare

Rated with an 87 percent, Paul Maritz of VMWare is one of the esteemed CEOs. He has an experience of more than 30 years in the field of technology. His years of experiences in various roles before becoming the CEO of VMWare has helped him to mold strategic patterns which every successful company and every successful CEOs follow. VMWare is known for providing virtualization software. Currently, there are 533 job vacancies posted in Forbes.

Listed Job Openings:533

10. Bill McDermott & Jim Hagemann Snabe (co-CEOs):


Bill McDermott and Jim Hangemann Snabe are the co-CEOs of German based software corporation, SAP AG. The firm is into making enterprise software to manage business operations and customer relations. Started as five-men operated business venture, today by employing 55,000 people over 50 countries, SAP has become the market leader in enterprise application software.  At present the company has listed 235 job openings, according to Forbes job portal.

Listed Job Openings: 235