Top 10 Executives Who Were Busted For Lying On Their Resume

Bangalore: Now a days people are ready to go to any extent to get a job. People commonly lie or provide false information on their resume to boost the probability of landing a dream job. They fail to realize that lying or faking on resumes can jeopardize their entire professional career.  

Here is a list of such high profile individuals who were caught faking on their resume, as reported by Vivian Giang and Jhaneel Lockhart on Business Insider.

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1. Robert Irvine:

Celebrity Chef Robert Irvine had cooked up a story regarding designing Prince Charles and Princess Diana’s wedding cake. It was later uncovered that he only attended the school where the cake was made for the royal wedding and contributed just by picking fruits for the cake. Following the incident, he was fired from his own U.S. television show, Food Network’s Dinner Impossible.

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