Top 10 Excuses for Being a Lousy Manager

Top 10 Excuses for Being a Lousy Manager

These excuses can show you what you are really missing among the 5 leadership traits; is that your character? Or caring nature? Or you don’t hold the commitment to your firm? Or lack of confidence? Or poor communication? Whatever it is... you should recognize the signs of poor managerial skills to bring up your organization to high performance. Probably you might not know your poor performance in management skills as everyone scared of you. Here are some more tips to analyze your leadership skills.

1. Have you said the former manager made everything mess and it may take time to fix them? It indirectly implies that you cannot reach your goal by the deadline.

2. Are you always busy to skip working on your regular tasks? If you hardly get into your regular tasks which are vital for successful business, it may cause you to lose the target.

3. Couldn’t make the goal even though your targets were easy to get? Yeah, you probably didn’t get optimal results from your departments as you couldn’t make them to do.

4. Do you often manage your team from a distance? It shows you don’t want to take responsibility for any flaws at work. So, you can say that you were not there, if anything goes wrong.

5. Have you blamed others for not achieving your department targets? And you may find out tens of reasons for not achieving the target. If so, you are one of the bad managers who have to change for progress.