Tips to Sail Through Different Types of Interviews

4. Panel Interview:

As the name indicates, in a panel interview a job seeker is interviewed by several individuals at once.  The panel might include a variety of employees such as prospective direct manager, hiring manager and other related individuals. Although panel interview might seem intimidating, there is no need to lose sleep. If you are well prepared and maintain your composure, you should be able to sail through the process with utmost ease.

If you establish rapport with each member of the panel, take one question at a time, maintain eye contact while answering each question and stay cool, the interview should be a piece of cake and nobody can stop you from landing the job.

5. Group Interview:

In a group interview, several job seekers are invited to participate in the interview process and are questioned at once. Since any group naturally sort outs into leaders and followers, the interviewer can establish which category each candidate falls into. In addition, this approach allows the interviewer to separate the best candidate from the mediocre within least possible time.

The key here is to treat this interview like any other interview. Prepare well and follow up as usual. But make sure that your voice is heard, but don’t be authoritarian. You should do nothing other than act naturally and be seen as a team player rather than a scene stealer.

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