Tips to Handle Rejection at a Job Interview

It happened, accept it:

It is not just you alone; there are so many others who got rejected in their interviews. Take it as the part of job search. Support yourself to cope with the depression that comes with rejection. It will be happening repetitively in our life span, accept it and continue applying your dream job. You should work through what you think your limits are. Find out a new activity which can make you refreshed. You should be self-motivated; trying some creative activities can help you to come out of your sadness.

Focus on your strengths:

When you are eliminated in an interview round, probably you may get enough reasons to blame yourself for your imperfections. Keep in mind that there is nothing called perfection exists in life. It is easy to blame yourself for getting rejected in an interview. But staying tuned with a positive attitude will help you to move ahead in career and in life too. You should address in what you are really good and what you are passionate about. It will not work out if you keep on associating your failure with past. You need to let the past as past and be in present.