The Deadliest Mistakes Job Seekers Make

7. Unprofessional e-mail id

Also, it is noteworthy to mention about the e-mail id you used to send resume. As every employer want a genuine and professional employees, you need to have an email id of your name as it shows reliability than using pet names, or some other names of your choice. Having a mail id with your name will increase the possibility of getting an interview call once you have applied for a post.

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8. Appearing unprofessional

Wearing a professional look will be an added advantage in job search. There are thousands of styles out there. Even from the nail polish you put to the attire you wear, matters a lot in your entry to a job interview. An unprofessional taste in your social media profile, in your communication, behavior, dressing, and body language will cost you a job. Before, appearing for an interview, many of the career counselors suggest you to practice on a mirror.

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