The Biggest Career Regrets

4. I Wish I Had Used My Time At College More Productively:

In spite of all the controversies currently surrounding student life, nearly 86 percent of students still sight college education as a meaningful investment. This is echoed by the growing popularity of colleges. Although more students are attending college, many of them wished they had thoughtfully parlayed their college years into a truly lucrative first job, as they were unable to curve out the breathing space to return to college for advanced study to reset careers.

More: Top 10 Hottest Careers in India for 2013

5. I Wish I Had Acted On My Career Hunches:

Several individuals recounted packets of opportunities and now-or-never moments in their careers. Recent studies articulate the importance of identifying these sometimes random but potentially rewarding opportunities to change, and grab the moments to non-linearly advance in one’s professional life.

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