The Biggest Career Regrets

 2. I Wish I Had Quit Earlier:

Most individuals who actually quit their jobs to pursue their dreams wished they had done so earlier. Recent studies showed that 80 percent of individuals dissatisfied with their jobs don’t quit the job when they know they should. Variable reinforcement schedules prevalent in large organizations, the visibility of social media, and the desire to register incremental gains are three main culprits.

More: Top Careers With Highest Divorce Rates

3. I Wish I Had The Confidence To Start My Own Business:

As the personal financial condition soared up, most professionals yearned for more control over their lives. The logical solution to this problem is to become an owner, not an employee in other’s company. But wanting it isn’t enough. A recent study showed that 70 percent of the workers wished that their current job would help them start a business in the future, however only 15 percent had what it takes to actually venture out on their own. Even Fortune’s top 500 CEOs wished for entrepreneurial freedom.

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