Terrible Mistakes People Make While Changing their Career

2. Never Rely on Career counselors:  Many people tend to visit the career counselors for their advices while changing their career but one should never visit career counselors expecting that they can give you best advices on which field to enter. Remember that Career advisors are facilitators as they can only help you to search your long-buried dreams and talents, but you' will have to do the research on your own and take the final decision by yourself after complete detection and evaluation.

3. Money should not be the deciding factor: Often it is seen that some professionals opt for career change in order to earn more money. But they should definitely realize that nothing even money in this world can make them happy if the job do not suit them.  Dissatisfaction at workplace and stress is the number-one health problem for employees today. This is quite true in case of career changers who in order to earn more bucks change their field of work.