Terrible Body Language Mistakes That Can Cost Your Job

2. Going too close to the hiring manager:

It is another nonsensical mistake you can do knowingly or unknowingly at the interview room after entering. Talking in a perfect manner with the recruiter is appreciated by one and all, but that doesn’t mean that you need to go close to the recruiter and talk to him or her. It is your duty to be courteous at the time of interview in front of the hiring manager. Sitting or standing too close to the hiring manager might definitely look awkward which can also make them feel uncomfortable.

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So, at the time of the interview, do remember that you need to be respectful towards the hiring manager’s personal space at any point of time. It can also harm your chances of getting that job, if you follow the opposite of sitting too close or sitting quite far from them inside the venue of the interview. So, a better maintenance of the space between you and the hiring manager is a good procedure to complete your interview round successfully.

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