Terrible Body Language Mistakes That Can Cost Your Job

1. Appearing weak while greeting the recruiter:

If you are weak while greeting the recruiters at the time of interview, then it can be the biggest mistake you can ever make at the time of the interview because greeting well shows your interest towards the job you have applied and the desperation towards it. The most important thing to do while greeting someone is by shaking your hands with the person you want to greet. So, if you shake the hand in a very weak manner with the recruiter soon after you enter the interview room, it clearly signifies that you are not at all interested in the job and you are attending the interview forcefully. It can become a clear note that you are under threat of not getting that job because of your weak performance during the interview round no matter how good your resume was prepared.

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So, to avoid such circumstances, make sure you are firm while greeting someone, especially, while shaking hands with the person you meet. Also see to that you won’t crush the recruiters hand while shaking hand, says Patti Wood, an author and a body language expert.

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