Simple Steps for a Safer Job Search Online

2. Don’t ever give your personal contact details:

When you are looking out for a job vacancy online, make sure you don’t ever give your personal contact details unless and until you are not sure about that company or whether it is very much needed. If you do when you are not sure about that by clicking on the link that takes you to fill up all the details, you might feel that page looks proper and trust worthy to your eyes. But you might not know, that page where you have submitted all your contact details might have taken you to site that has been designed to cheat you.

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3. Understand everything about the privacy policy of the sites you support:

Every site would be having privacy policy of their own and as a supporter to any of the sites; it is your responsibility to know about the privacy policy of each site you are supporting.

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So, the one lesson that the job seekers needs to learn here is to avoid giving free personal information without any necessity, even when the job application demands you to give more information. Analyze every job opportunity you come across before proceeding with it.