Simple Steps for a Safer Job Search Online

1.  Be doubtful if you receive invitations:

It always happens when a recruiter sends mass e-mails to the recipients who are not in the hit list of those searching for a new job. So, if you receive any mails from the recruiters that states, “Your resume on the internet has attracted us because of the skills you have, are matching with one of our clients expectancy. To proceed with this opportunity, please complete the application through the below link”.

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 If you receive any mail like the one given above, for sure you will be having numerous questions and doubts in your mind like, “Did I send my resume for this company?”, “ If I didn’t send how did the company get to know about me and my skills?”, “Is that a reputable company?” etc.

So, to clear all the doubts in your mind, it is advised to visit the company’s website or if you still are not convinced with it, try to call them up and clear all the doubts.

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