Scary Facts About Your Office Work

If there are fewer people to do more work, definitely your stress level can go up immensely and this high stress level can lead you to high blood pressure.

So, what can be the reason behind all these? It is said that because of the technological advancement people are becoming physically inactive, they are just giving work to their brains by sitting and working at one particular place. When you sit at one place to work, the electrical activity in your leg shuts off, Fat reducing enzymes drop by 90 percent, Calorie burning slows down to 1 calorie per minute. It has also been reported in the infographic released by that, people who work sitting throughout the day have twice the rate of cardiovascular disease than compared to people who work by standing. 

Because of all these reasons many of the people complain that working hard at office is considered as one of the most stressful thing in their lives.