Resume Mistakes Techies Should Avoid

4. Grammatical and spelling mistakes:  Before sending the resume IT professionals should check out their resume properly in order to avoid spelling or grammatical errors. They should realize that spelling or grammatical mistakes can reflect a negative impression on the hiring manager as he or she can think that the applicant is lazy and is not serious about the job. It is always advisable for the techies to read their resumes aloud before posting them, likewise, they can also ask their friend or a relative to go through their resume at least for once and check for the errors before sending, suggests,  John Reed, senior executive director of Robert Half Technology.

5. Poor Content: According to John, tone and content matters a lot while creating a resume. Therefore, techies should avoid "cute and clever language,”. Never try to amuse the hiring managers with puns and jokes as they won’t be amused by them. Instead you should be straight in your resume focusing on your skills and experience. One should also avoid “Vagueness” and provide detail description of the experience and skills