Research Stream Witnesses the Lowest Enrollment in India

As per the statistics gathered by UGC, a mere 12 percent of the students in the country opt to pursue a post-graduate programme. In other words, only 24,92,472 out of 2,03,27,378 students studying in the country enroll in a post-graduation programme. And a paltry 1,60,872 number of students opt for research oriented streams.

Approximately 17,45,529 students have signed up for graduate courses across various universities in the country, while 2,18,505 students have enrolled in diploma or certificate programmes.

Arts stream witnessed the highest enrollment with about 37 percent of the students opting for it.  Science stream came a distinct second with about 19 percent of the students selecting this stream, followed by commerce stream with about 18 percent of the total share. Engineering stream saw 16.05 percent enrollment, while medicine saw the least number of enrollment with only 3.52 percent opting to study medicine.

With about 61 varsities, Uttar Pradesh has the maximum numbers of universities or university-level institutions in the country. It is closely followed by Rajasthan, with about 59 universities. While in the south, with 55 varsities, Tamil Nadu bagged the top honors with regard to the highest number of varsities, followed by Andhra Pradesh with 47 universities.   

Maharashtra has the highest numbers of colleges in the country. The state is home to about 4,836 colleges. It is followed by Andhra Pradesh with 4,550 colleges.

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