Reduced Sanctions Affect India's Education Goals: Report

The European Union (EU), too, has reduced its sanctions to education by one-third between 2010 and 2011. As per the report, the reduction of aid by the EU has affected nearly 74 nations, such as South Africa, India, Bangladesh, Papua Guinea and Malawi with not the best education records.
With approximately 17 million out-of-school children, India has one of the worst education records and is also among the top 10 recipients of aid for basic education.
As per the GMR 2013 report, over 57 million children have continued to be deprived of their basic right to primary education.
While the sanctions to education swelled steadily after 2002, currently the trend seems to have turned around. In a year, the total sanctions to education have declined by a staggering 7 percent, which is the first since 2002. "This is putting at risk the chances of meeting the 2015 goals because aid to secondary education too fell by 11 percent,'' said the GMR report, as reported by the Times of India.

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