Professions That Can Make You a Millionaire
2. Technology:
Professionals working in this sector use their creative juices to develop innovative and salable hardware or software applications. These professionals typically won’t make millions working for the corporate biggies; rather big money comes from marketing their ideas and designs to established tech firms, or by becoming an entrepreneur and starting their own tech firm.
As per the PayScale website, software developers typically take home an average annual income of approximately 1.41 lakh –
6.66 lakh, but can earn millions when he/she opt to sell their ideas or designs to biggies in the field. As per the online reports of London's Mail, the software designers who developed Instagram, which is new messaging software, pocketed around $400 million from an Internet startup. Professionals working in this field typically should be capable of operating with little immediate supervision, must be able to stay focused and should never give in to distractions.