5 Job Hunting Mistakes That Shows Your Unprofessionalism

Bangalore: Do bear in mind that, in the current tough job market where thousands of applications fly out every day for a very few job opportunities; most employers have the luxury of numerous options to fill a particular position. This is the time when small things such as commonly unrecognized mistakes described below, as listed by Peter Vogt on Excelle, come into play and makes a difference. It is better to avoid these mistakes, so that they won’t cost you a shot at landing a dream job.

1. Using a Cutesy Email Address for Communication:

Cutesy email addresses might seem clever and attractive to you, but employers think that such individuals with flashy email address are immature by nature and lack the understanding for the basics of professionalism.

Do bear in mind, having a pretty or flashy email address is not important as it describes you as an unprofessional individual. Hence avoid pretty email addresses and use a formal email address that is yours only.