Product Managers and Developers Observe 23 Percent Growth in Hiring

As per the Hiring Scale, the places that are currently experiencing the harshest conditions for recruiting this competent talent includes Bend (Oregon), Athens (Georgia), and Bloomington-Normal (Illinois). In these areas, there is superior demand by employers in comparison to the existing local talent pool. These factors not only make it more difficult to lure talent, but also increase the time to fill these openings.

More: 5 Jobs with Highest Annual Wage Growth

As per the Hiring Scale, the places with the least problematical conditions for sourcing capable talent with proficient product development and product management skills include Fort Smith (Arkansas), Huntington (West Virginia), and Binghamton (New York). While the U.S. standard Hiring Scale score is 86 (out of a possible 99, with 99 representing the most difficult-to-fill) the score in Binghamton is 25. Employers here are expected to have greater talent pool to choose from and spend a shorter time sourcing candidates compared to the rest of the country.

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