One Third of Senior Executives Globally Inclined for a Job Change: Report

In the words of Peter Felix, president of AESC and, "While transitioning from one sector to another will remain challenging overall, shifting demographics and the focus on digital transformation will open up new opportunities for executives to make more moves across industries," as reported on the Economic Times.

Poor company values/culture and dissatisfaction with the senior management surfaced as the two major reasons that forced the executives to come to this conclusion. 72.5 percent of the respondents (executives) claimed that the former was the main reason and 65.8 percent claimed that the latter was the main reason behind their consideration of leaving a job, company or industry. While scrutiny of working for a public company emerged as the least important reason for making a career move with about 69.4 percent of respondents supporting the view.

68.6 percent of the respondents backed increased responsibilities and/or more senior role as the most important factor to be considered while weighing a prospective career opportunity, followed by 48.9 percent of respondents claiming a more entrepreneurial role as the most important factor while considering a new opportunity. With a backing of 42.4 percent of the respondents, increased compensation and benefits surfaced as the third most important factor to be considered while weighing a prospective job opportunity.   

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