9 Most Demanding and Nerve-Racking Professions

Bangalore: If you think that you have the most stressful and worst job on the planet, think again. Though every individual can feel like the weight of the world is pressing down on him/her occasionally, very few of us have jobs that are not only nerve-racking, but are also potentially dangerous, open us up for legal liabilities, or require disgusting/humiliating actions to be carried out day-in and day-out.

Take a look some of the jobs were the stress levels are off the chart, as reported on boston.com based on the Careercast’s report.

9. Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)/Paramedic

Hours Per Day: Varies

Median Pay: 2.62 lakh

Stress is a way of life for EMTs/paramedics. Equipment management, paperwork and worry litter the days of the professionals, plus the mediocre pay adds to the misery. In addition, the irregular working hours, heavy lifting and the higher risk of contracting infectious diseases or injuries elevate this profession to the 9th slot on the list of most stressful jobs.