Most Preferred Recruiters by B-School Students in India

Bangalore: B-School students in India have again voted the FMCG sector as the most popular sector for employment and to prove that, it is the Hindustan Unilever company, which has turned out to be the top recruiter of B-School students, says a survey done by Nielsen named ‘Campus Track Business School Survey’, reports Sreeradha Basu in 'The Times of India' website.
The survey reported that, FMCG sector acquired the top spot on the list by 29 percent of B-School students voting as the popular one when it comes to recruiting, this was followed by management consulting by getting 24 percent votes, IT product and development with 19 percent of votes, and large business conglomerates with 16 percent of votes.
This nationwide study which is in its 13th year now, was conducted across 35 leading B-schools in India, which included 1,500 respondents from the class of 2013. The study was conducted to measure and monitor students opinions with regard to their career preferences and their future recruiters.
Surprisingly, it was the foreign banks demand which dropped to 15 percent this time from 22 percent last year. In 2011, quarter respondents in the survey had mentioned that the investment banking as one of their most preferred sectors, but in 2012, the demand was a bit low because, less than one in five students had preferred this sector as a popular ones.