Learn Why to Avoid Eating at Your Desk

2.  Will cut down your social life:

It is good to make your colleagues 9-5 friends even if you don’t have a close bonding with them. It helps you avoid yourself from being social not engaged. It is better not to have your food during the lunch time and simultaneously work, it is better to sit with your colleagues during the lunch hours and have the food, as it helps you build a good bonding with them. If you are leading a team of members, then have your lunch with them so they can get along with you in a friendly manner than being a boss and an employee. It also helps to make the work smoother.

3. Your desk is not a cleanest place to eat:

Apart from all the above points, the most essential one is that, eating in front of your desk is not at all a cleanest place to eat because the dust on your computer, the carbon from the printed documents and eating with all those dirty hands will lead you to fall sick.

Eating at your desk might reduce your work pressure most of the time, but don’t make it as a habit at your workplace.