Learn Why to Avoid Eating at Your Desk

Bangalore: Sitting at your desk for 9 to 10 hours is really a very bad idea as it lowers your physical strength as you get addicted to sit in one place for long hours. Apart from that, eating at your desk while working is again a big “NO” as it might lead you towards numerous health problems in the future. If you want to know why eating at your desk is not a good habit, check the list below given by Kasturi Gadge who explains why you shouldn’t eat at your desk while working.

1. You will be having no physical activity:

Your concentration decreases if you work 24/7 without any rest to your mind. This will lead you towards lack of interest and irritation, which finally ends you up in munching up junk foods to pass the time. So, in spite of getting addicted to eating while working, if you feel bored, it is better to go out for five to ten minutes and stroll around the office instead of sitting at your seat the entire day. Having a walk after your post-lunch time will help you come out of your laziness and it will help you start your work with a fresh mind.