Learn How to Increase Your Productivity at Work

2. Avoid Interruptions: We generally tend to avoid interruptions in order to complete our work, when we are nearing the deadlines. However, interruptions from co- workers or phone calls, which lack a purpose, should be avoided every day, in order to increase the productivity of work. According to Sue Kay, former topic writer of about.com you should be in the habit of telling your co – workers that "I'd love to chat, but I'm under some deadline pressures and really need to stay focused." By this you will be known by your co – workers as someone who is focused at work.    

3. Prioritize your task: It is always advisable for professionals to create to do list, by jotting down the tasks that are the most important and the essential ones, which needs to be concentrated and completed first. Likewise, ask yourself everyday that, what is the most essential task that needs to be completed in a particular day? By using this strategy you will be surprised to see yourself being more productive in your work.