Largest Job Creating Cities and Sectors in India for 2012

So, as you have got to know about the sectors that are hiring large number of employees, you might be desperate to know about the largest recruiting cities. The cities have been divided into level wise depending upon the number of jobs generated in those cities by the ASSOHAM study where you can see four to five cities in each level.  So, here is a look at the top recruiting cities you have been waiting for, starting from the below…

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Cities Which Come Under the Level Three Category:

In this level three category, you can find the capital city of the State of Uttarakhand, Dehradun topping the list by creating over 650 jobs and also by registering the growth of over 54 percent in the job creation between the Quarter 4 of the 2011 fiscal year and Quarter 1 of the 2012 fiscal year. The city of Dehradun is then followed by Gwalior, Ludhiana, Bhubaneswar and Raipur accordingly in the level three category, as reported by the ASSOCHAM analysis. Other than Dehradun, Gwalior and Ludhiana, both the other cities in this level three category i.e., the Bhubaneswar and Raipur have seen a dip ranging between 23 to 37 percent in the job creation growth rate during the last two quarters.

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