Largest Job Creating Cities and Sectors in India for 2012

2. Educational Sector:

It is the only sector which has seen a total of 41 percent job creation as the rest of the sectors have seen a fall ranging between 6 to 31 percent in the last two quarters of the current fiscal year, as per the ASSOCHAM study. If you are interested in being a part of the country’s education system, then why not try to be a professional teacher or a college professor? This can be considered as the one among the very few sectors which can be considered as the recession proof sector among so many sectors. For those who have already engaged in this profession, they consider it as a joyful profession as they can engage with the budding talents most of the time in a day. This sector has seen a major growth from few years back. This can be a trustable profession if you are very serious in opting this profession.

1. IT and ITeS Sectors:

IT and ITeS sectors are considered as the largest employers not only in India but throughout the world. If you are not aware of the difference between the IT and ITeS sectors, the top difference between these two sectors are IT sector jobs are more about engineers writing complex codes, but when it comes to ITeS sector, then it is all about the youngsters with an accent talking away, as reported by Pritika Ghura on the Learn Hub website. So, if you are interested in getting employed in any of the two sectors, then you can think of a good choice in between these two sectors as both are in great demand in the current job market.