Job Opportunities across India Are On a Rise: Report

Industry Year-Over-Year Trends:

22 of the 27 industry sectors monitored by the Monster Employment Index registered expansion in online recruitment activity between April’12and April’13.

Agro based industries sector and Printing/ Packaging sector exhibited the highest annual growth among sectors. They were up by 45 percent and 41 percent respectively. While, Advertising, Market Research and Public Relations (PR) sector (up by 38 percent), showed positive growth in online recruitment activity between April’2012 and April’2013.

Production & Manufacturing and Oil/Gas/Petroleum/Power showed the steepest annual decline, as they were down by 11 percent.

Geographic year-over-year Trends:

Online recruitment activity was up for the year in all the 13 locations monitored by the index.

Jaipur witnessed the highest annual growth followed by Chandigarh. They were up by 34 percent and 25 percent respectively. Among major metro-areas, Kolkata (up by 14 percent) registered the highest annual growth.

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