Job Opportunities across India Are On a Rise: Report

Bangalore: As per findings of Monster Employment Index India, which is a broad and comprehensive monthly analysis of online job demand in India, job opportunities across pan India are on a rise and major sectors such as BPO/ITES, Engineering & Construction, Education Healthcare, and Real Estate are showing a positive growth.

Here is a brief overview of the findings by the Monster Employment Index India, which is based on a real-time review of millions of employer job opportunities culled from a large representative selection of career websites and online job listings across India.  

Occupation Year-Over-Year Trends:

Online demand improved in nine of 13 occupational groups monitored by the Monster Employment Index between April’12 and April’13.

Customer Service (up by 37 percent) followed by Arts (up 19 percent) and healthcare (up 18 percent) chartered the most substantial annual gains amongst the occupational group. While Senior Management (down by 46 percent) exhibited the steepest annual decline among occupation.

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