Indian Executives Ready to Accept 24 Percent Pay Cut to Get Their Dream Job
Around 83 executives and 5 percent of the companies from India took part in this study. When the study considered the U.S. executives opinion in this regard, the case was entirely different than any other nation because, U.S. executives reported that they were ready to accept a dream job even with a 35 to 50 percent cut in their pay package.
In India, the compensation structures are pretty different when compared to those in many western countries. Hence, the executives in countries, especially western nations other than India were ready to take pay cuts if they were provided their dream job.
Samir Gadgil, General Manager and Global Head of compensation and benefits at Wipro, was of the opinion that, in many countries like the western countries, bonus over and above salary and negotiations took place on the basic component. So, because of this reason, many executives in such countries may opt for a pay cut in their basic to get a higher bonus at the end of the year. But in India, it is a part of the salary and hence pay cuts are not common.